Steal This Free Facebook Ad Template And Use It For Writing Your Own Ads

Steal This Free Facebook Ad Template And Use It For Writing Your Own Ads 


Do you have a template for your Facebook ads?


Having a template will not only cut your time in half but it will guarantee you results every time.


In this post I’m going to share with you the exact Facebook Ad template that I use in my agency.


It’s broken down into 7 parts, as you’ll see in a bit. And then later in the blog post, there is an example ad that I used to advertise a free training on real estate.


Let’s jump right in.


The Facebook Ad Template


I normally have the template in a text file. It’s made up of 7 parts:


1. Ad Copy tips


This is a list of things that I want to keep in mind. They are for my benefit. You can put in whatever tips you want to.


2. Post text


This is the main body of the ad that’s going to be posted on Facebook.


3. Destination URL


This is the URL of the page that your readers are going to be taken to or land on.


4. Display link


This is the URL of the domain name that they are going to be taken to.


5. The headline


This is the ad heading.


6. Link description


What text will be on the link? Depending on your goals, it could be something like “Click the link now to get access”


7. Call to action button


What action do you want your readers to take? This could be something like “Join Now” or “Download Now”, whatever your case might be.


Facebook Ad Example


The copy angle that I used in this example is the counter angle. This is a viewpoint that’s contrary to popular belief. I’m going against what most gurus are telling people to do.


The lead that I used is the big secret lead. It’s based around some new-found knowledge or wisdom that provides a solution or a hidden problem.


This is the ad itself:


If you want to build true wealth through real estate investing, don't make the number one mistake that most gurus are telling you to do. (counter angle)


You see, there's been some very misleading information given to the masses through fake house flipping shows and seminar gurus to be successful in real estate, you need to buy and own as many single family homes as possible.


This will show you what to do and not to do: [LINK HERE] (I’ve put my first call-to-action here. So for those people who are ready to click and find out more, they are free to do that.)


What they're not saying is that buying single family home exclusively is the riskiest way to invest in real estate.


The truly wealthy real estate investor doesn't waste their time with single family because they know better and understand the power of leverage and non-recourse financing. (that’s a term the masses may not be familiar with, but for the people who are interested in real estate, that will resonate with them)


Wealthy real estate investors never use their credit or money, and they only invest in multi-unit buildings for massive passive cash flow. (the big secret reveal)


The quick flip mentality is what's keeping investors from realizing their true earning potential!


This is why I decided to create a FREE, no pitch online training to show NEW & EXPERIENCED investors how to create true wealth through multi-unit property investing (the solution)


Here are just a few things that I’ll be revealing on this FREE training: (transition to the bullets)

  • Why investing in single family homes can bankrupt you & why you should avoid it!
  • How one couple retired in their 20’s, applying this one strategy...
  • How to create passive income, leveraging other people's money & create unlimited cash flow
  • The one strategy to get funding for investment property anywhere in the US, even if you're a foreign national!
  • How to buy extremely discounted multi-unit property way under budget
  • The simple shortcut to acquiring your first multi-unit passive cashflow property
  • How to have other people manage the property for you & never speak to a tenant again!

Plus much much more


You can RSVP here for the training: [LINK HERE] (this is the CTA)


-Sam Bell III


PS: If you received any value from this post and you know others that can benefit, be sure to comment, tag them below so they can get access as well!



You’re free to use this template in your own Facebook ads. Try it out. Incorporate other things, remove others. Just test until you found what works for you.


I’ve also got a list of resources for you. This is where I’ve learned a lot of this stuff from and I recommend you check them out too:



  • 1
    Great Leads by Michael Masterson & John Forde
  • 2
    Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz
  • 3
    Triggers by Joe Sugarman
  • 4
    Words That Sell by Richard Bayan
  • 5
    Cashvertising by Drew Eric Whitman

Websites where you can get additional emojis to spice up your ads. I’ve found that incorporating emojis increases the CTR:

Also, if you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

The 4 Key Ingredients To Attract


How To Use The PS In Your Ad Copy

How To Use The PS In Your Ad Copy 


What is the PS?


PS stands for postscript. It comes from the Latin word, postscriptum, which means “written after”.


It’s used to communicate an afterthought after the main message has been relayed.


The PS was notoriously used in letter writing and personal emails. But over the recent years, its use as a marketing tool has grown.


People use them in sales copy and marketing emails for various reasons:



  • To make the selling point stand out
  • To increase conversions
  • To engage readers

It’s a great way to get your readers’ attention one last time as you conclude your copy.


How to use PS in your ad copy


1. To reinforce your message


Sometimes people will gloss over your copy and only pay attention to the last bit. So this presents a great opportunity for you to use this section to reiterate your message.


What’s your main message? What’s your biggest takeaway from the copy?


Summarize it in a few lines and include it in your PS.


If your biggest goal is to drive people to take action, repeat your call-to-action in the PS.


Remind people to grab the offer or buy the item or download the training.


2. To increase urgency


The PS is the last section of your copy. It’s the last chance with your reader to convince them to take action. So make it count.


Increase the urgency to motivate them take immediate action.


You can do this by introducing a bonus or valuable offer in the PS.


For example, promote your main offer in the body of the copy and then add your bonus in the PS.


Your bonus could be in the form of a discount or a valuable add-on to the main offer. Emphasize to the reader that this bonus would only apply if your they acted immediately.


3. To include testimonials


Use the PS to include testimonials and quotes from people who’ve tried your product/service and gotten stellar results.


This increases the persuasiveness of your copy. It reassures your readers that your product does indeed work, making them more motivated to take action.



Your PS doesn’t have to be stiff or promotional. Appeal to your customers on a human level. Inject some humor and personality in it. It’s a great way to nurture budding customer relationships.


If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

The 4 Key Ingredients To Attract


Read This If You Want To Learn The 3 Rules For Writing Effective Call-To-Actions

Read This If You Want To Learn The 3 Rules For Writing Effective Call-To-Actions 


The call-to-action, also known as the CTA, is the one thing that gets you conversions.


After guiding your prospect through your copy, this is where it ultimately leads.


And depending on how strong your CTA is, this could mean the difference between a bounce and a conversion.


But first…


What is a call-to-action?


A call-to-action is a clickable element that’s designed to get the prospect to take a desired action


It could be a button or a photo or a simple link.


The point is, the prospect has to click on it to get to the destination of what’s on offer.


A CTA could ask prospects to do a number of things like: signing up for training, downloading a lead magnet, buying a product, reading a blog post.


Like to the left of this blog post, theres a CTA that tells you to get instant access to my proven framework that attracts high ticket clients in 30 days. 


Whatever action you’d like your prospect to take, the CTA needs to be well written and designed for it to be effective at boosting conversions.


Why do you need a strong CTA?


Most people put all their time and energy on writing the ad copy and slap on a half-baked CTA at the end. This is how you leave money on the table.


Even with the best copy or the best product on sale, if you have a weak CTA, you’re hurting your conversions.


A strong CTA should communicate value to the prospect. It should also inspire action and excitement.


For example: Netflix


Join free for a month.


The value is clear: it’s free for a month. The copy surrounding the CTA also further communicates the value, that there’s no obligation and you can cancel anytime. That gets the prospect excited to try it out.


And finally, the word “Join” inspires action


How do you write CTAs?


Before you write your CTA, get clear on your goal.  


Do you want to boost sales? Do you want to increase the number of downloads on your freebie? Do you want to increase the number of subscriptions on your email list?


This will help you figure out how best to phrase your CTA to achieve your goal.


Here are some tips to help you:


1. Use clear language


If your CTA doesn’t communicate your message clearly, your prospect won’t be compelled to click on it.


You want them to get excited to take action, not scratch their heads in confusion.


Use clear language that tells the reader exactly what to do.  


For example:

  • Talk To Us
  • Sign Up Now
  • Join The Club
  • Get The Free Training
  • Become A Member For Free

Don’t try to be too clever with your words. You might end up missing the mark.


2. Create a sense of urgency


Consider these two examples:


Example 1: Grab my free training now


Example 2: Only 3 days left! Grab my free training now.


Which one do you think will perform better?


The second one employs urgency through scarcity. Time is limited, prompting the prospect to act fast.


Whereas with the first one, the reader assumes that he has plenty of time to come back later and get the training.


A sense of urgency will inspire immediate action.


Just don’t try to manipulate your prospects by creating a false sense of urgency.


If you put a time limit on your product, just make sure it’s not there after the time has passed. Otherwise your prospects will feel cheated and manipulated, making you lose trust among your customers.


Another way to create urgency is to use words that imply urgency


Words like:

  • Now
  • Hurry
  • Fast
  • Quick
  • Limited
  • Last Chance
  • Final

3. Focus on one thing


A CTA should only focus on directing the prospect to do just one thing. That’s why it’s important to get clear on your goal first.


You can’t ask your prospects to download your ebook and also read your blog post at the same time.


That divides their attention, hurting your conversion rates. Decide which one is more important and stick to it



Remember to always be testing. You might not get your CTA right after the first or even second try. Switch it up. Do split tests until you find one that converts the best.


Also, if you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

The 4 Key Ingredients To Attract


How To Use Scarcity In Your Ad Copy To Boost Sales

How To Use Scarcity In Your Ad Copy To Boost Sales


Some things in life are valued because they are beautiful or powerful or useful.


But other things are valued because they are scarce.


Rare minerals like diamond and gold are great examples of this. They hold so much value because they are in limited supply.


That brings us to the principle of using scarcity when writing copy.


What is scarcity?


Scarcity is a phenomenon where when something is in limited supply (or perceived to be), it becomes more alluring.


It’s no wonder that people go crazy on Black Friday.


I’m sure you’ve seen them camped outside stores in the freezing cold just so they could be the first to get in when the doors open.


It’s scarcity that drives people to take such drastic action.


Everything is on a crazy sale. A sale that happens only once a year! And everyone knows that the stock will fly off the shelves fast. That’s why they’ve got to act quickly.


When you inject an element of scarcity in your copy, you raise the perceived value of your product, prompting people to act fast.


It puts pressure on the customer, thereby creating a sense of urgency to act immediately otherwise he’ll end up missing out.


And the fear of missing out plays a huge part in why scarcity is so effective.


The fear of missing out or FOMO is the desire to want to stay in the loop. No one likes to feel left out of anything. And so this desire to want to stay connected to what everyone else is doing influences people to participate in the action.


2 ways to incorporate scarcity in your sales:


1. Quantity-related scarcity


This is where you emphasize that only a certain number of items are left in stock.


For example, if you have a webinar coming up, you could say, “Only 50 seats are available”


This increases the urgency and makes people take action immediately because they wouldn’t want to miss out.


2. Time-related scarcity


This is where you put a time limit on the offer.


For example, if you have a course on sale, you could say something like:


“The 50% offer on the course expires on 20th October midnight. After that, it goes back to full price.”


Your customers will be driven to buy the course now so that they save up on 50% of their money. 


Another great technique is adding a countdown timer on your offer page, which counts down the remaining days, hours and minutes. The effect of seeing time ticking away in front of their eyes compels the customer to act fast.


As we've seen, using scarcity in your copy is a powerful way to boost your sales. But it has to be done right.


Your customers are not stupid. If the deadline for your offer has passed, close down the sales. Don’t mislead people by keeping the page open for extended periods of time. You’ll end up losing credibility and any future use of scarcity in your copy will not be taken seriously.


If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

The 4 Key Ingredients To Attract


How To Write Fascinating Bullet Points That Sell

How To Write Fascinating Bullet Points That Sell


Bullet points are a staple in content creation and marketing.


You’ve seen them everywhere. In blog posts, sales letters, email newsletters, facebook ads, and the good old PowerPoint presentations.


Content marketers use them for a reason. That’s because they grab attention and boost sales.


But only if you write them well.


Bullet points should make your copy lively and interesting, not dull and boring.


So what separates the yawn-inducing bullet points from the fascinating ones?


More on that to follow. First…


Why are bullet points important?


Bullet points:

  • Add variety by breaking up the monotony of paragraphs
  • Summarize key information into digestible chunks
  • Make the copy readable and scannable

Bullets are much more than just a list of features and benefits. When done right, they should arouse curiosity and increase the persuasiveness of your copy.


Let’s imagine a speaker selling a course on speaking. Here’s what you might learn in the course:

  • How to structure your speech points
  • Professional speaking skills
  • Easy planning for speeches

Boring! These bullet points fall flat. They fail to engage.


If we were to spice them up a bit, here’s how they’d read instead:

  • Learn how to structure your speech to inspire and educate your audience
  • Speak like a pro so you’ll be respected and seen as an authority
  • Plan groundbreaking speeches without all the stress and hassle for speeches

Do you see the difference? While the first example of bullet points were plain, the second one excels in piquing some interest.


So how do you make bullet points interesting?


The first thing to keep in mind when writing bullet points is how you’re going to arouse curiosity in your reader. Your bullet points should make them want to learn more about your product.


So list them all down. Then ask yourself, which of these would make my readers curious? Take note of them.


Here’s an example of bullet points from a course that taps into the reader’s curiosity:

  • Tools to identify – and then stretch beyond – your “comfort zone”. (What tools are these?)

  • The secret psychology behind setting goals 
 and why most “goal-setting systems” fail. (A secret psychology? I want to know more about that)
  • Uncover the most powerful single word for achieving your goals and attracting everything into your life that you ever wanted. (The most powerful single word? Tell me more!

The second thing to keep in mind is how you’re going to tease your readers. Your bullet points should give them a little taste of what to expect. This whets their appetite. It makes them excited to keep reading and find out more.


For example, if you’re selling an ebook, you might include some interesting chapters and insights in your bullet points and where to find them. Here’s an example of what I mean:


  • How to get a product to sell if you don’t have one already, and how to get it for nothing! (see page 11)

  • How to get as much money as you need to really get rolling...and get it without borrowing! (see page 19)
  • How to get movie and TV stars to help you sell your products and services! (See page 21)

The basics of writing bullet points

  • 1
    Keep them brief. Long complex bullet points defeat the whole purpose of keeping your copy readable
  • 2
    Express a clear promise in each bullet point. Make a bold claim that your product will give your customers what they desire. You must be able to deliver on your promise, though.
  • 3
    If possible, keep the bullet points symmetrical. It’s easier on the eyes, again, making your copy readable and scannable.
  • 4
    Start your bullet points with verbs instead of nouns to keep your copy interesting.

Understanding the needs and desires of your customers is the first step in writing fascinating bullet points. From there, it becomes like walk in the park.


If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.


The 4 Key Ingredients To Attract


5 Short Tips To Help You Write Powerful Body Copy

5 Short Tips To Help You Write Powerful Body Copy


So your intriguing headline has stopped people in their tracks.


It’s got them interested. They’ve clicked on your ad. Now they want to find out more.




But, be careful. You could end up losing them all if the body if your copy fails to engage.


The body is the meat of your copy.


Once you’ve grabbed people’s attention with your lead, you need to keep them hooked and engaged with your body copy.


If they get bored along the way or if they find the information too complicated, they’ll click away.


So your goal when writing the body should be to keep it simple and engaging while giving as much necessary information about your product as possible.


Depending on the copy angle you use, the body is where you address the benefits of your products, the features, the solutions, the facts, the claims and anything else that’s crucial for your reader to know.


This is also where you address all the objections your reader might have. Erase any doubts in their minds. That way, it becomes easier for them to say yes to the sale.


5 tips to help you write powerful body copy


1. For any claim you make, support it with data


If you want people to take your copy seriously, back it up with the relevant research, links, and testimonials. This makes people more likely to believe you because it shows that you’re knowledgeable and that your product is legitimate.


2. Use power words


To get your readers to take action, use power words. Power words are persuasive words that trigger an emotional response in people. Using them will make your copy strong, engaging and compelling.


3. Use active verbs, not nouns


The secret to writing effective copy is using words that elicit action.


For example, instead of saying:


“Our specialization is social media advertising and provision of marketing solutions for your needs”  (noun)


You could say:


“We specialize in social media advertising and solving your marketing problems.” (verb)


4. Appeal to people’s emotions


People buy out of an emotional need. Therefore, to make the sale, you have to persuade them emotionally first. So get clear on what emotion you’d like to appeal to.


Fear is a particularly strong emotion. You could appeal to their fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of being left behind or missing out. Speak to these emotions throughout your copy.


It all depends on your customers’ needs.


5. Break up the text


The fastest way to turn off readers is to have them read huge blocks of text. Don't make it hard for your reader to engage with you. Keep paragraphs short and to the point. A maximum of 3 lines is enough.


Would you like my help in implementing these and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and service? Just click the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

The 4 Key Ingredients To Attract


A Simple Framework That You Can Use To Write Ads That Convert

A Simple Framework That You Can Use To Write Ads That Convert


I’ve been using this framework for years.


Not only do I use it to write my own ads in my business, but I also use it to write my clients’ ads.  


And that is the conversational copy framework.


I call this the conversational copy framework because the more conversational your ads are, the more people will engage with them.


Because if you think about it, people don’t go on social media to be pitched to.


They go on there to engage with others and have fun, basically. So if you want to engage them, you have to approach them in an easy, conversational tone.


What does the conversational copy framework consist of?


The conversational copy framework is made up of 6 parts. They are:


  • 1
    The Lead
  • 2
    The Body
  • 3
    The Bullets
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

In this blog post, we’re going to focus on the lead.


What is the lead?


The first part of the conversational copy framework is the lead. It’s the opening line. The beginning of your sales message.


This is the most important part of your copy.


When someone is scrolling through Facebook or Instagram, this is the first thing they’ll see. How you phrase your lead is what will pull people in to read your sales message.  So it has to be bold and attention grabbing.


There are 6 ways you can structure your leads depending on how aware your customers are:


1. The offer lead


This is a direct approach where you start you start your sales message with the offer. It works best on the most aware audience.


2. The promise lead


This is where you open your sales message with your product’s biggest benefit. The offer is mentioned a little later in the copy. This lead works best on the product aware


3. The problem-solution lead


This is where your sales message starts with the most pressing problem your reader faces. Then, later on, you offer them a solution, which is the product you’re selling. This works best on both the problem aware and the solution aware.


4. The secret lead


The secret lead delays any mention of your product until after you’ve listed its USP and all its benefits. This builds intrigue and curiosity. This lead works best on the solution aware.


5. The proclamation lead


This is where your sales message starts with a bold statement that’s emotionally compelling. This lead works best on the unaware audiences.


6. The story lead


The story lead opens with an intriguing headline and then the story follows. The story ties into the product on sale. This lead works best on the completely unaware audiences.


Remember, the lead is the most important part of the sales message. There’s so much information on social media these days. You’re competing for people’s attention. You only have a couple of seconds to catch their eye and convince them to read on. So your lead has to be strong and attention-grabbing.


If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

The 4 Key Ingredients To Attract


How To Write Effective Ad Copy Using The Story Lead

How To Write Effective Ad Copy Using The Story Lead


What is the story lead?


The story lead is the oldest and probably the most powerful lead because if you think about it, all knowledge has been passed down to us from stories.


And that’s because stories are fun, engaging and easy to remember.


They also help to build rapport thereby establishing trust between you and your audience. So this is the best lead to use on the completely unaware customers, those who don’t know that they have a problem or that products like yours even exists. You get your foot in the door with these people by hooking them in with a story.


No one can resist a good story. And even if the reader might realize that he’s reading an ad, if the story is engaging, he’ll forget about that temporarily and become emotionally involved in the story itself.


Example of a story lead


To demonstrate the story lead further, let’s look at this example of a classic ad


The headline states:


They Grinned When The Waiter Spoke To Me In French—But Their Laugher Changed Into Amazement At My Reply


The headline itself tells a powerful story. You can already picture the waiter speaking to this person in French, everyone grinning, and how quickly the grins are wiped off their faces when he replies.


Already, you’re emotionally invested in the story. What did he say to make everyone stop laughing and stare in amazement?


Your headline should arouse those same feelings of curiosity. It should pull your readers in to read the rest of the story.


If you read the whole ad, you’ll find that it’s advertising French classes. But that might not be evident in the beginning. The writer takes his time painting this whole picture in our imagination just to make one point: that he took French classes and they changed his life.


Imagine if the ad read as something like this instead:


Now You Can Learn To Speak French Quickly and Easily.


After years of research, linguists have discovered the world’s most efficient method for teaching French,


Using this unique new program, you can master French in less than a year!


You will amaze your friends and neighbors! Some may even be shocked at how well you can speak French! Plus, you can even earn extra income on the weekends!


See the difference? Both these ads are advertising the same thing. But the second one is boring and lacks emotion. Most people wouldn’t care.


Remember, the story lead is the most effective on the completely unaware customers. A more direct approach, like the second example above, might not interest them. They aren’t interested in learning French so they’ll click away.


But with a captivating headline, they are pulled in to the story. Even if they had never entertained the idea of learning French, maybe their biggest desire might be to gain admiration from friends and family.


And as the ad so clearly demonstrates, the hero from the story awes his friends and family with this new skill. To the reader seeking admiration, this will appeal to him.


It might even convince him that taking French classes is an easy way to get this admiration that he wants. So it becomes more about what he’ll gain as opposed to the product itself.


We talked about core emotions in the problem solution lead. Your story should speak to those emotions. It’s not so much about your product, but about how your customer will feel while using it. And a story is a powerful way to communicate that.


Just remember to keep the story short and tie it to the product that you’re selling.


If you would like my help in applying these and other strategies to sell your high ticket products, let me know. Just click the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

The 4 Key Ingredients To Attract


How To Write Effective Ad Copy Using The Proclamation Lead

How To Write Effective Ad Copy Using The Proclamation Lead


What is the proclamation lead?


The proclamation lead begins with an emotionally compelling headline where an implicit bold promise is made. Then the rest of the copy demonstrates the validity of that same promise.


This lead is an indirect one, which means that the reader is distracted from the idea that he’s being sold or that he’s reading sales copy.


Like the secret lead, the product is not revealed until the end after the proclamation is finished.


What makes a great proclamation lead?


1. Make the proclamation bold


In fact, don’t be reasonable at all. Your proclamation should shock your readers cold. It should be big and bold and stir up thoughts and emotions. But make sure you’re able to back up your claim with lots of relevant research in the rest of the copy.


Here’s an example of the headline from a health newsletter:


The headline screams, “Read This Or Die.” That’s startling. As a reader, your curiosity is piqued. What’s this information you’re missing out on that might cause your death? And so you read on to find out.  


2. Make a promise


Either make or imply a promise. It could be right in the headline or buried somewhere in your copy.


In the previous example, the subheading underneath the headline reads:


“Today you have a 95% chance of eventually dying from a disease or condition for which there is already a known cure somewhere on the planet. The editor of Alternatives would like to free you from that destiny.”


The promise here is that there’s a cure inside. The prospect reading this would be like, “If I read this, then I won’t die after all.”


Repeat the promise in different ways throughout your copy. Make it more concrete as you move along. Give the reader a chance to imagine enjoying the benefits of your yet to be revealed product.


3. The subject must be relevant


The proclamation lead has to address something the prospect feels deeply about. And the promise you make in the proclamation has to be something that he desires. Otherwise they won’t be interested in reading your copy.


4. Return to the proclamation at the close


As you’re nearing the end of the copy, emphasize the main theme of your proclamation in any sales premium you offer and also in the guarantee.


For example: “If you don’t get the results mentioned, return the product for a full refund


The proclamation lead hinges on the success of your product. Unless you can 100% guarantee results, then this isn’t the best lead type to go with.


So do your research and watch out for interesting facts that pop up in the process. When you find something that you think is brilliant, take note and come back to it when writing your copy. It might just be the fact you need to write an amazing proclamation lead.


If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

The 4 Key Ingredients To Attract


How To Write Effective Ad Copy Using The Secret Lead

How To Write Effective Ad Copy Using The Secret Lead


What is the secret lead?

The secret lead is the most universal and powerful lead.


It involves teasing your prospect with a secret, the secret being the product on sale.


You emotionally persuade your prospect that they want your product before they even know what it is. You do this by talking about all the benefits and the USP of your product before revealing what it is.


The longer you can get your prospect intrigued by this secret, the higher your chances of closing the sale.


What makes a good secret lead?


1. The secret has to be both intriguing and beneficial to the reader


This ad is a great example of the secret lead being utilized. The headline says:


“Announcing an Apprenticeship Program for Aspiring Millionaires”


That headline alone is intriguing. It arouses curiosity. What is kind of apprenticeship program is this?


It’s also beneficial to the reader because it will help him achieve the goal of becoming a millionaire.


You need to make sure that whatever the secret is, it has to be connected to a major benefit right away.


2. The secret is introduced in the headline


The secret is presented in the headline and not revealed until much later in the copy.


The impulse to discover secrets is buried deep within the human brain. Therefore, with a secret in the headline, it becomes irresistible. Your reader is immediately intrigued and wants to read on to find out what it is.


3. The secret is NOT introduced in the lead


The most common mistake copywriters make with this lead is introducing the secret too soon. If you satisfy your reader’s curiosity early on in the copy, you risk losing them.


What if, after finding out what the secret is, they decide that it’s boring or not worth their time? They’ll just click away and move on to the next thing.


Remember, the purpose of the lead is to emotionally persuade the reader to buy. So don’t reveal your secret until you’re sure your prospect is emotionally hooked. And this is normally after you’ve revealed all your product’s benefits and USP.


In fact, most secret lead ads don’t even disclose the secret at all. They promise to reveal it in a premium package. If your copy is intriguing enough, the reader won’t deterred by this. They’ll pay whatever it takes to find out what the secret is.


4. As the copy continues, the reader is given more clues pointing towards what the secret is


The key word is “clues”. You’re hinting at what it might be but not saying what it is. So as the prospect is reading the copy, he thinks he’s much closer to figuring out what the secret is.


So he keeps on reading to gather these clues and try to piece them all together. By the time he’s nearing the end of the copy, he’s emotionally hooked. That’s when you reveal the relevant details.



How to write an effective secret lead


First, list all the benefits, characteristics, features and components of the product you want to sell.


Then you can go at it in two different ways:


1. Pick out one characteristic of your product that’s relatively unknown. Whatever it is, it has to be relevant to the prospect and enough to drive the lead.


Once you pick that out, turn it into the secret. Your prospect will be intrigued because they’ve never heard of this. Then write your copy around it


2. Alternatively, if all benefits of your product are common, pick one that’s relevant and reinvent it. Give it a new name. Describe something your prospect knows in a new way and make that the secret.


That concludes the secret lead. It’s very simple but powerful. So try it out and see how it works in your business.


If you’d like my help in applying this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, let me know. Just click the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.


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