How To Create Custom Conversions On Facebook


What is a custom event?


Before we get into that, there are two types of events.


When an action on your website occurs, for example, a visitor adds something to cart, your Facebook pixel logs it as an event.


You can use these events to track your website conversions, optimize for conversions and build custom audiences by adding the appropriate code to your website.


And the two types of events are: standard and custom.


Standard events are actions that Facebook recognizes and supports across all ad products.


They are:


  • Add payment info

  • Add to cart
  • Add to wishlist
  • Complete registration
  • Contact
  • Customize product
  • Donate
  • Find location
  • Initiate checkout
  • Lead
  • Purchase
  • Schedule
  • Search
  • Start trial
  • Submit application
  • Subscribe
  • View content

Custom events on the other hand are actions that fall outside of those covered by Facebook’s standard events. Create and use them when you want to track something non-standard. Or when you want to split or customize standard or custom events placed on your website.


To optimise for or track a custom event, make sure that you define it as an event-based custom conversion first.


And that’s what we’re going to look into next.


How to create a custom conversions


First, make sure you’ve installed the Facebook pixel on your site.


Once you’ve done that, go your ads manager and click on “Custom Conversions”



On the next page that follows, click the “Create Custom Conversions” button.



You’ll have the option to include all URL traffic that meets the following criteria:


i) URL contains


ii) URL does not contain


iii) URL equals


Choose the most suitable option.


For example, you can select a URL that equals


Or you can use a URL that contains “/subscription-thank-you”.


You’ll basically use any webpage that contains the Facebook pixel, so any web page that shows a conversion.


In the example above, I’m tracking subscribers to my email list. If they get to my “thank you” page, they count as a subscriber. Therefore, that’s a conversion.


It’s recommended to use “URL contains” in the case where your “thank you” page or “order confirmed” page has a dynamically generated URL.


For example,


In such a case, select “URL contains” “/order-confirmed” because each different customer will have a difference exact URL.


You can add another rule, if you so wish, to filter this event.


Next, give your event a name then choose a category.


Once you’re done, add a conversion value if applicable.


For example, if you’re selling tickets to your event worth $5, then 5 is the value you’d input. Don’t include any additional characters or symbols. Just a whole number. This value will help you see your ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) in your customized report.


Next, click “Create” to finish the process.



You’re now able to create an ad using the Conversions objective. Just select your custom conversion to optimize for and track that conversion.





That’s it for custom conversions. If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

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