How To Create A Customized Report In The Facebook Ads Manager

While Facebook does a great job of displaying the most relevant ad metrics, you can actually change the metrics you see in your ad reports. This is what we call creating a customized report.
To do so, click on the Columns menu. Near the bottom, there’s the option of customizing columns. Click on this to create new custom ad reports.

On the resulting window, this is what will show up.

From the example above, only 15 columns have been selected. You can add more to get a greater in depth report of your ads.
Remember the 4 core metrics we talked about? Make sure they are all checked.

Once you’re done with that, go to the bottom left corner and save the preset as CRFC metrics. CRFC stands for the 4 core metrics.

Then click “apply” to save your changes. Now you have customized reporting view to use at the ad level of your campaigns.
How to compare and analyze metric reports
Comparing the different metric results will help you measure the effectiveness of your ads. Use the compare feature to keep track of this.
This will give you insight into how your ads are performing to help you combat ad fatigue.
For example, you can use the comparison reporting method to compare CRFC metrics from the last 7 days to the previous seven days. This is also known as a 7-day running analysis.
To use this method, go to the ad level and select an ad that has been running for the past 2 weeks. Then under the columns menu, select the CRFC Metrics preset that you saved earlier.

Then go to the dates and select the last 7 days.

Next, toggle the “compare” switch and the previous 7 days will be automatically selected

Once you click “update”, you’ll see arrows next to the metrics you’re measuring.

Click on them to see the change from the first week to the second week in actual numbers as well as the percentage change for each given metric.
Go through each metric reviewing the performance.
When you do this on a weekly basis, comparing this week’s metrics to the previous one, you’ll be able to notice when your campaigns are becoming less effective due to ad fatigue. With this information, you’ll be able to implement the necessary changes to combat the ad fatigue.
If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.