How To Understand Your Facebook Pixel Event Data In The Ads Manager


The Facebook pixel is a tool that helps you measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions that people take on your website as the result of your Facebook ads.


Once you have added the Facebook pixel base code and event code to your website, you can see your pixel event data on the Pixel page.


This blog post will take you through your pixel page to help you understand your pixel event data even better.


How to understand your pixel event data


First, log in to your ads manager and go to the pixels tab.


Towards your left, you can see the “data sources” tab.


Here, you can measure and optimise your ad campaigns that are leveraging your pixel event data. If you have more than one pixel installed, choose one that you’d like to view.


Once you’ve chosen it, you’ll see something like this:

You’ll see 3 sections:


i) Events received: This is the total number of events your pixel has received.


ii) Top events: This shows how effectively your data has been matched to people on Facebook.


iii) Activity: This is represented in a graph. It shows the number of events measured per day for the past week that could be attributed to people who saw your ads. This data helps you to understand your visitors’ recent behaviour and quickly identify if there's an issue with how any of your events have been set up on your website.


Now we move on to the key elements of a pixel detail page.


Click on “Details” for more detailed insights about your Facebook ad performance.



You can adjust the time frame of your data by clicking the “All available days” button and selecting an option from the drop-down menu. You have the option of choosing available date presets or custom making your own time frames.


On the “Events” tab, you’ll see a graph that shows the number and value of events received, matched events and attributed events. This helps you see how much traffic there has been on your website. To see a breakdown of these metrics, hover over points in the graph or review the table. When you see a dotted line, it means that the data hasn't been filled in for that day yet.


Next to the “Events” tab is the “Activity” tab. Select this if you’d like to see a list of all the types of actions that people took on your website that have been recently measured by your pixel.


Select the event you'd like to view, for example, PageView. You’ll then be able to see the last 100 events that took place.


You can review each of the columns on this page to break down your data by event time, event category, device, parameters (like value or currency) and the referring URL. Facebook will tell you how much traffic you've received for each of these.


Next to the “Activity” tab is the “Settings” page. Click on this tab to see your Facebook pixel's associated custom audiences and custom conversions and how they're performing.


You'll be able to see a list of this data by volume, and create a new custom audience or custom conversion. When you set up an audience or a conversion with your desired characteristics, it will continually refresh as you upload data.



That’s it for how to understand your pixel event data. If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

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