Tracking Standard Events With The Facebook Pixel


The Facebook pixel is an important marketing tool. Once you install it in your website, you can use it to collect data on two different kinds of events.


i) Standard events

ii) Custom conversions.


In this blog post, we’ll focus on standard events


What are Facebook Standard events?


An event is a specified action that a visitor takes on your website, for example, making making a purchase.


Facebook has predefined a set of 17 standard events. These standard events track the actions happening on your website.


To install them, you just add additional pieces of code to the default pixel code on specific pages of your website that allow you to track certain actions on those pages.


Here’s a closer look at the types of standard events you can add:


i) ViewContent


This is used to track key page views. For example, your homepage, your product page or your blog.


ii) AddToCart


This is used to track when items are added to the cart. Include this event code on the “add to cart” page of your website. When users don’t complete their purchase, you can use this information to run highly targeted ads to them


iii) AddToWishlist


This is used to track when items are added to a wishlist. If you have a wishlist option on your website, you can place this event code on the page or “Add to wishlist” button to track the items people want most. Using this information, you can create targeted ads containing images of those specific items.


iv) InitiateCheckout


This is used to track when people enter the checkout flow. Place this event code on the page where someone begins the checkout process on your website.


v) AddPaymentInfo


This is used to track when payment information is added to the checkout flow.


vi) Purchase


This is used to track purchases or checkout flow completions. Place the code on your thank-you page after people have purchased your product or service. If you have a new product coming out, you can design an ad for people who are already bought from you.


vii) Lead


This is used to track when a visitor expresses an interest in your offering. Use this code on your thank-you page after people have opted into a lead magnet or signed up for your newsletter. Or when someone submits a contact form on your website asking about your products or services.


viii) CompleteRegistration


Used to track when a registration form is submitted, for example a subscription completion or when someone signs up for a service or event.


ix) Search


This is used to track searches on your website. You can place this code on a search results page on your site. For example, if someone is searching your site for “black jeans,” you can add that term to the code for that results page.


x) Contact


This is used to track any type of contact between you and your business, whether that be phone calls, text messages, chat or email.


xi) CustomizeProduct


This is used to track customization of products on your site.


xii) Donate


This is used to track donation of funds to your business or organization.


xiii) FindLocation


This is used to track when a person finds your business location on the internet.


xiv) Schedule


This is used to track the booking of an appointment to visit your business location


xv) StartTrial


This is used to track the start of a trial of a service you offer.


xvi) SubmitApplication


This is used to track the completion of a registration form for a product or service that you offer


xvii) Subscribe


This is used to track the start of a paid subscription that you offer.


How to track the right events for your business


You first have to select which of the 17 standard events you’d like to track using the toggle buttons.


For each event, you need to choose whether to track on page load or on inline action.


Track events on page load means tracking actions that involve going to a new page, like a purchase complete or sign-up success page.


While track event on inline action means tracking actions within a page, like clicking an “add to cart” button that does not open a new page.


If you can’t see the event you want to track, then you’ll have to set up custom conversions.



That’s it for tracking standard events with the Facebook pixel. If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

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