How To Get A Higher-Converting Funnel In 4 Steps

Say Hello To High Conversion Rates in Your High-ticket Funnel in Just 4 Simple steps (and get the BONUS Funnel Audit Matrix worth $997)

This post will share with you the metrics I use to determine exactly where a funnel blockage is occurring and why. It will give you exact steps to find where your course, coaching, or consulting funnel is blocked and Fix it!

This diagnostic is the exact method I’ve used to scale countless course, coaching and consulting businesses to 6-figure months..

It’s designed to locate problems with the funnel as quickly as possible and take the guesswork out of finding the solution to get leads (and revenue) flowing in nicely.

When digital course creators, coaches, consultants and marketers ask me to audit their funnel, the first thing I do is identify the blockage using the checklist I’m about to walk you through before solving their problem and generating 6-figure months.

If you want to do 6-figure months, then this is the diagnostic process you need to check your funnel with to do it.

Grab my BONUS Funnel Audit Matrix below to see if your funnel is running smoothly.

Then, read on to gain insight into exactly which data points you should review to effectively diagnose your funnel problem.

The Blocked Funnel Diagnostic: Conversion Focused Marketing (Without The Guesswork)

Testing new audiences, ad creative, headlines, CTAs… it’s all well and good but all you’re really doing is throwing things at a wall and waiting for something to stick like jelly or spaghetti. And nobody likes jelly or spaghetti all over the wall. Not to mention, you’ll end up wasting time and a whole lot of money.

With the Funnel Audit Matrix you can quickly pinpoint exactly why your funnel isn’t converting as it should, and take a highly targeted and precise approach to fix it.

Here’s what your funnel looks like:

If you aren’t making conversions, a marketer with a very basic understanding of the sales funnel will tell you one of these three things:

  1. Your Facebook targeting is wrong.
  2. Your ad copy isn’t selling your offer.
  3. Your ad creative isn’t “hype-y” enough to get people to stop scrolling.

Each of these explanations fails to look at the sales funnel in its entirety.

I might upset a few people here, but I’m just going to say it… Facebook targeting is kind of hard to get wrong. I mean, think about it, you either create an audience with interests that align with your business, or you don’t. It’s pretty intuitive. Or, Facebook creates a lookalike audience for you.

While Facebook targeting is important, it’s not usually the reason that your funnel is not converting to KPIs.

And the thing about ad copy? You shouldn’t be selling your offer on Facebook in the first place. But we’ll get into that more later.

Sure, your ad creative can always be more hype-y (or more witty or pointed) but I guarantee it’s not the reason you’re not seeing the results you’d like.

The 4-Steps To Using “The Blocked Funnel Diagnostic” To Increase Conversions & Do 6-Figure Months

There are four steps to run The Blocked Funnel Diagnostic accurately.

Step 1

Are Your Facebook Ads Doing Their Job?

Step 2

Is Your Landing Page Delivering On Your Promise?

Step 3

Is Your Webinar Delivering Enough Value?

Step 4

Is Your Offer Desirable?

Below is a breakdown of how to look at each step in the diagnostic process.

Download the BONUS Funnel Audit Matrix. You can access it for free here.

Step 1: Are Your Facebook Ads Doing Their Job?

Take a look at these two ads for a moment. Which ad do you think performed better? Ad A or ad B?

Ad A

The best-performer is ad A. Why? There are a few reasons:

  • It has a strong headline that offers value straight up and lets users know exactly what’s on offer.
  • It has a strong call to action button. “Download” lets the user know exactly which action to take next.
  • The first sentence explains exactly...
    - What the accompanying video is for (“automated webinar funnels”)
    - What will be explained (the “Contextual Content Ad Strategy”)
    - The benefit (“hot qualified leads”)
  • “This is something I’ve never shared with the public until now” creates a sense of scarcity and rarity, persuading the user to download the framework because they may not get another opportunity.
  • The copy is down-to-earth, engaging and uses simple language.
  • The video adds immediate value to the user and is less about making a hard sell and more about providing value.

Ad B

Why doesn’t ad B work?

  • The headline is confusing and vague.
  • The “Learn More” call to action button isn’t strong or compelling.
  • The first two lines don’t make the most of the space. Not enough information is conveyed before the “see more” option and nothing about it makes the user want to read on.
  • It’s not well written, clear or concise.
  • The image doesn’t indicate what the ad is for or add any value to the user. It’s obviously a stock image that won’t look organic in the feed.

Facebook ads are your first touch point. What most businesses tend to forget to take into consideration with their ads is the level of awareness of an audience.

Is your audience solution aware? Are they even problem aware?

With top of funnel Facebook ads, you should always assume your audience is completely unaware, that they don’t even know they have a problem until you bring it to their attention.

Here’s an example of one of our high-performing ads. Read on to see why it works …

1. Highlight the problem. Look at how this text jumps right into the problem many high-ticket coaches face:

Build a 🌪 funnel

Create the perfect webinar

Write a 🔥 smoking hot ad

Spend a few grand on traffic

And Hope for the best!

📆 Months go by

The credit card bills

Start to pile up

There are No new clients

No product sales

And that one deal that

Was supposed to close

Fell through at the last minute!

Now 🤷🏽‍♂️ what

2. Dig into the pain points. The pain of knowing it’s not the first funnel, but one of many that still hasn’t worked, is one many coaches don’t want to admit they are familiar with.

They say you’re only one

Funnel away but this is

The 3rd funnel in 6 months

3. Establish trust and authority. Show your audience that it’s not your first rodeo; that you are well-versed in what it takes to solve the problem that they haven’t been able to fix themselves.

I’ve personally created and sold

A brand new offer that generated

Enough revenue in one weekend

To buy a House in 🏖️ Miami Florida.

So I’m not speaking from theory

But my very own personal experience

4. Call to action. Keep this to one step. Remember, “clear is kind” - people just want to know what to do next.

Get Access To The Members Area

Here ➡

5. Headline that makes people want to read the whole ad. Who doesn’t want to get paid while testing an offer?

How To Get Paid While Testing Your Offer Before Launch

The only objective is to get people clicking through to your landing page. Don’t try to sell your offer on Facebook.

In an ad, sell your messaging, not your offer. Engage people by speaking to them in a way that’s informative and establishes authority while leaving them wanting more.

By grabbing their attention, connecting with them and touching on the pain points without letting them in on what you’re offering, they’re going to want to click through to your landing page.

Obviously, the messaging will shift at the middle and bottom of the funnel. Here, dig even deeper into your pain points, provide social proof, add value and convince them why they absolutely need to register for your webinar or training.

I look at three micrometrics to decide whether an ad is effective:

1. Post engagement. Are people liking and commenting on your ad? Your ad should resonate with your audience, should speak to them and compel them to engage with the post and tag their friends.

2. A click-through-rate of 2% or higher. An ad’s main objective is to get people clicking through. We generally aim for a CTR of 3-5% but anything above 2% means your ad is working.

3. A maximum $1 cost per click. If your CPC is anything over $1, your ad isn’t working - turn it off.

If all of these metrics are in line and hitting the minimum KPIs, the copy, creative and audience targeting are all working nicely.

Want to see the exact structure we use to write high-converting ads? I’ve put together an easy-to-follow ad copy template that you can simply adapt for your business. You can access it for free here

So...if ads and targeting aren’t the issue, what is?

Step 2: Is Your Landing Page Delivering On Your Promise?

Your ads are doing their job and getting people to click through to your landing page. Now the question is…

Are people converting to leads or do you have a high bounce rate?

The first thing to look at is whether your landing page is congruent with the ad they just saw.


Congruent landing page

See how, in this example, the messaging in the ad and the messaging on the landing page align? This is good.

As opposed to this…


Incongruent landing page

This is not good. Here, the ad has set expectations that the landing page has failed to deliver on. People will be pretty damn quick to exit your landing page once they realize they’re not going to get what they expected.


If your landing page has a high bounce rate, nine times out of ten it will be because your headline and bullet points aren’t strong enough.

I’d honestly recommend testing up to ten different headlines and bullet point variations to determine which converts highest.

Want to know what elements form a high-converting headline? Download my checklist where you can see some examples and check to see whether yours holds up.

Take a look at these two landing pages…

Landing page A (CTA above the fold)

Landing page B (CTA below the fold)

Can you guess which will convert better?

Landing page A will convert better every time because the registration or opt-in button is accessible above the fold.

And while we’re discussing the technical aspects of a landing page that are important to get right, you need to make sure your landing page is optimized for mobile.

98.3% of Facebook users access their accounts via mobile. That means, 98.3% of people who click through to your landing page from an ad will be doing so on their mobile. If your landing page isn’t mobile-first, users will get frustrated and your bounce rate will increase while your conversion rate decreases. 

Your landing page is working if you see a 20-25% conversion rate from people who visit the site to webinar registrations.

If the conversion rate of your landing is less than this, make sure the messaging is congruent with the ads, test various headlines and check its fully functional and user-friendly on mobile.

Now it’s time to take a look at your webinar.

Step 3: Is Your Webinar Delivering Enough Value?

Once people have registered for your webinar, are they attending? Have you positioned it as something they absolutely cannot miss out on?


It’s important to note that your attendance rate will vary depending on whether you’re hosting a live webinar or it’s automated. You’ll generally see a higher attendance rate for automated webinars.


As a general rule, you can expect a minimum 25% attendance rate for live webinars and 40-50% for automated.

If your attendance rate isn’t cutting it, then either the webinar hasn’t been positioned as extremely important in the messaging or the email automation isn’t sending enough event reminders.

If webinar attendance is in check, the next thing to look at is the watch rate. Are people dropping off part of the way through, or are they watching until the very end?

As a rule of thumb, a webinar should have a 50% stick rate.

If you’re losing your audience partway through, then it’s time to evaluate the webinar.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is it engaging? Does it encourage the audience to play an active or passive role?
  • Is it adding value? What am I offering to the audience? Am I providing new, appealing insights and teachings?
  • Is it clear and concise? Am I confusing them with rambling and complex language or am I cutting to the chase and explaining myself clearly?

The webinar is your #1 place to establish authority and build trust. It’s your opportunity to really introduce yourself and convince your audience you know what you’re talking about. If you’re not doing this, they won’t stick around long.

How do I know if my webinar is ticking all the boxes? Download my BONUS Funnel Audit Matrix worth $997 to find out.

If your audience is watching right through to the end but no one’s booking a call or purchasing your product, there’s a problem with your offer.

Step 4: Is Your Offer Desirable?

Toward the end of your webinar is when you’ll want to introduce your offer. This will either be a product or an invitation to book a call.


Of everyone who attended the webinar, you should aim for a 2-3% conversion rate. 

If the conversion rate is lower than this, it’s because your CTA isn’t strong enough, you haven’t dug into the pain points enough or your offer isn’t desirable.

What does my offer need to have to convert well?

  • Your offer needs to match customer awareness. Before you even think about an offer, you need to understand what level of awareness your target market is at. Your offer needs to align with this level of awareness. For example, you wouldn’t sell a chef’s knife to someone who doesn’t know how to cook, you’d sell them a cookbook.
  • Develop an intellectual property term. Create IP terminology to define yourself from your competitors. This will also help to position you as an authority in your field. Once you’ve come up with your own unique and distinct messaging, incorporate it throughout all your messaging.
  • A fair price point. Is your offer a good deal or fairly expensive in regards to the value you’ll be providing? If it is expensive, are you conveying the value of your product or service well enough to justify that price point?
  • Something better or different. Your offer doesn’t have to be better and different but it does have to be better or different otherwise you’re not offering anything your competitors aren’t. Take stock of your offer. What is its unique offering? If it doesn’t have one, what makes it better (more up-to-date content, high-quality resources, etc)? And if it’s not different or better, then is it cheaper?

Most of the time, when someone comes to me for help with their conversions, it’s because they haven’t developed a strong, desirable offer.

Want to see an example of a high-converting offer and a breakdown of why it works so well? I’ve put together examples that you can access here.

Now It’s Your Turn To Run The Diagnostic

Every 6-figure business is scaled from a consistent, high-converting sales funnel.

But testing a million different ad variations and interest audiences, and praying something finally works isn’t a scalable strategy.

You’re far better off running the Funnel Audit Matrix, finding the specific problem and fixing it so your sales funnel brings in a steady stream of high-quality leads and clients.

Or  if you’d like me to audit your course, coaching or consulting funnel, then fix it for you so it’s profitable at 2x ROI or higher, apply here