How To Use Bid Caps To Prevent Your Facebook Ad Costs From Going Through The Roof

How To Use Bid Caps To Prevent Your Facebook Ad Costs From Going Through The Roof


What is a bid cap?


A bid cap tells Facebook to not bid more than a selected amount for a certain event. They are set at the ad level.


The event that the bid cap applies to depends on your campaign’s objective.


For example, if you choose the conversions objective and tell Facebook to optimize for purchases, your bid cap will determine the maximum amount that Facebook will bid for a purchase.


Keep in mind that bid caps aren’t guarantees.


Just because you set a $5 for a lead generation campaign doesn't mean you’ll get results for less than $5.


If your bid cap is unrealistically low, Facebook won’t spend any of your budget.


Bid caps are mainly there to prevent you from spending money when it’s no longer profitable to do so.


When to use Facebook ad bid caps


Use bid caps to prevent your cost per event from skyrocketing unexpectedly.


Facebook ad costs fluctuate regularly. They are known to especially inflate during the lead up to a holiday or during the holiday itself. For example, Christmas holidays, Black Friday and Valentine’s Day.


When this happens and you’re not equipped to handle the sudden price fluctuations, you’ll end up spending double or triple, raising your budget unexpectedly.


To prevent this from happening, you’re better off using bid caps.


Doing so will mostly likely reduce your reach and prevent you from spending your full budget. But at the same time, you’re saving a lot of money and improving your long term ROI.


How to use Facebook ad bid caps


Bid caps are set at the ad level.


Log in to your ad manager and select a relevant ad set. Then click on edit.


On the window that follows, scroll down to the Optimization and Delivery section.


Beneath “Lowest cost”, tick the checkbox next to “Set a bid cap” and enter your amount.


When you set a bid cap, remember that the number you enter is the upper limit of what you’re willing to pay. It is not your target cost.


From the example above, I’ve entered $5 as my bid cap. If Facebook can generate conversions for less than that, they will. That’s what the [Lowest Cost bid strategy] is for.


If this is your first time using bid caps, start with the maximum amount you’re willing to pay. If the maximum you’re willing to pay for per lead is $20, start with that then slowly adjust downwards.


If on the other hand, you’ve run campaigns before and have a clear idea of how much your average cost per event is, you can start with a lower amount.




The number of Facebook advertisers and how much they spend always spikes around certain times of the year such as holidays like Christmas and Black Friday.


Setting up a bid cap will ensure that your cost per event doesn’t skyrocket during these times.


This will mostly likely reduce your reach and prevent you from spending your full budget during those times, but that is often preferable to inflated costs.


If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

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Everything You Need To Know About Daily Budgets In Facebook Advertising

Everything You Need To Know About Daily Budgets In Facebook Advertising


What is a daily budget?


A daily budget is the average amount of money you’re willing to spend on an ad set or campaign every single day.


For example, if your daily budget is $10, you’re telling Facebook to get you roughly $10 worth of the result that you optimized for every day.


The good news is Facebook won’t go beyond that daily amount.


Benefits of choosing a daily budget


1. It’s easy to control


Spending a specified amount daily allows for much easier pacing of spend. Each day you can count on the fact that the same amount will be spent, making it much easier to control your budgets and plan ahead financially.


2. It’s the easiest to set up


Facebook daily budgets are the easiest set up for an evergreen campaign. If you plan on running a campaign for a long time or until performance dictates the end date, then daily budgets are a good fit.


3. It’s the best option for fluctuating budgets


If you’re anticipating regular changes to your budget, daily budgets are the better choice, unlike in lifetime budgets where you set a budget in place and wait until the end date is reached.


Keep in mind that when adjusting your daily budgets, make sure it lies within 20% of its original level. Anything higher than that will have a negative impact on your campaign performance. That’s just how the Facebook algorithm is designed.


For example, if you wanted to quadruple your daily ad spend, don’t do it overnight. Increase it by 20% first and see how it performs. If it does well, continue increasing your budget in 20% increments until you reach your desired goal.


Drawbacks to choosing a daily budget


1. Might lead to ad fatigue


Facebook  will actively try to exhaust the full daily budget you’ve given every single day, no matter what performance is on the account. That means your ads will be shown to as many people in your target audience as possible, even when the demand for your content is low.


This leads to a situation where because your audience is seeing the same ads over and over again, they become less responsive to them. Then your performance starts to decline. This is what’s referred to as ad fatigue.


2. There’s no ad scheduling


Unlike lifetime budgets, daily budgets don’t have an option for you to schedule when your ads will show. This means that your Facebook ads will run at all hours of all days of the week. If you need to have campaigns active only during certain portions of the week or times of day, then daily budgets might not be the way to go.


When to choose daily budgets


Choose daily budgets when:


i) Your campaign will be evergreen.

ii) You want to maximize strong performance.

iii) You expect to change your budget regularly.



That’s it for daily budgets. If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

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Read This If You Want To Learn More About Lifetime Budgets In Facebook Advertising

Read This If You Want To Learn More About Lifetime Budgets In Facebook Advertising


What is a lifetime budget?


A lifetime budget is the amount you set for Facebook to spend over the run-time of your ad set.


For example, if you’re running ads for a month, you might set your lifetime budget for $500. That means Facebook will automatically try to spread the amount evenly over the period of one month.


You’ll never be charged more than your lifetime budget for your ad set's results. So it’s more of a set it and forget it type of thing.


Benefits of choosing a lifetime budget


1. A lifetime budget is more performanced based than a daily budget


When you set a lifetime budget, Facebook allocates it according to how the ads perform on a daily basis. So the daily spend will vary depending on the ad performance.


If there is a higher performance in one day, Facebook raises the daily spend for that day to take advantage of this. And the vice versa is true. A lower performance will lower the daily ad spend that facebook allocates.


At the end of the run time, the total spend will even out to the original budget you gave.


2. You can set specific schedules


When you choose a lifetime budget, you’ll be allowed to choose the hours of the day and days of the week that the campaign will be running.


This allows you to drill down even further in terms of targeting, only serving your ad during hours that make sense for your audience.


Drawbacks to choosing a lifetime budget


The downsides to lifetime budgets is more a sense of convenience than anything.


1. Daily spend fluctuates a lot


Since you’re letting Facebook automatically dictate your daily ad spend, it’s hard to pinpoint what kind of coverage you’re getting on any given day or how much you’re spending.

You could be spending $50 today and $10 tomorrow and $30 the next day after that.


Granted, Facebook tries its best to optimize your budget for the best results. But if you’d rather have much more control over your daily ad spend, then you’re better off choosing a daily budget.


2. Setting a specific schedule can be constricting


When setting up a lifetime budget, you’re required to set an end date along with your budget. By doing this, you’re telling Facebook the amount of money it has to spend for that timeframe.


But what happens if there are changes to the timeframe or budget?


Although adjusting the budget and changing the end date are possible, doing so will impact how Facebook prioritizes your budget.


Let’s say initially your campaign was running for two weeks but you have to cut it short by one week. Facebook will then adjust and spend a much higher amount on that remaining week to try and spend your lifetime budget during the shortened period.


When should you choose lifetime budgets?


Setting a lifetime budget is ideal for maximising your exposure in a relatively short amount of time.


Choose a lifetime budget when:


a) You need to run your ads on a schedule. For example, if you’re running a time-sensitive campaign, this option would be the best.


b) Your campaign has a set budget and end date.




That’s it for lifetime budgets. If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

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How To Scale Your Facebook Ads While Still Maintaining A Healthy ROI


Scaling Facebook ads effectively doesn’t follow an easy-to-follow recipe. It’s not a “set it and forget it” type of thing. It involves a lot ot testing and monitoring campaigns closely to find out what’s working and what’s not.


In this post, I’ll share with you how to scale your Facebook ads successfully. But before we get into that, let’s look at the 4 common mistakes people make when it comes to scaling their ads.


4 Mistakes people make when scaling their Facebook ads


1. Increasing your ad budget too fast


Logically, you should expect a bigger ROI when you pump more money into your campaign.


But if you try to multiply your budget too fast, it will completely throw off and destabilize the algorithm that optimizes your ads.


The Facebook algorithm is designed in such a way that it optimizes your ads for a certain amount of conversions at a certain cost.


If you try to rush it, let’s say, from $10 a day to $100 a day right away, it will give you very similar number of conversions in both cases, making your ROI drop massively.


Scaling is a strategy and it takes time. We’ll get more into this in a minute.


2. Expecting results too early


You can’t expect to see miracles a few hours after altering your ads.


According to Facebook’s help center:


“It takes our ad delivery system 24 hours to adjust the performance level for your ad. It can take longer when you edit your ad frequently. To fix it, let your ad run for at least 24 hours before you edit it again”


With this in mind, don’t be too quick to judge your Facebook campaigns in the first couple of hours. Give it 24-48 hours to at least get a fully comprehensive analysis.


3. Changing too many things at once


Change is good in Facebook ads until it’s overdone.


Don't be tempted to keep tweaking your ads. If you want to scale them successfully, you have to be patient.


And when you do tweak your ads, focus on one thing at a time. You can start with raising the budget and see how that goes. Then try something new the next time. Just don’t do it all at once.


4. Wrong targeting


No matter how good your ad is, or how great your copy is, if the content reaches wrong audience, it will be all for nothing.


You’ve got to figure out how to target your audience effectively.


How to scale your Facebook ads


1. Duplicate your winning ads


The first step of successful Facebook ad scaling is duplicating ads that are already producing results.


This all depends on the initial objective you established when creating your ads, whether that be conversion, lead generation, link clicks, etc


To duplicate your winning ads, go to your ‘Ads manager’ and click on ‘Pages Posts’ under ‘Create and manage’ tab.


Find the page post you want to use for advertising and copy its ID.


Now create a new ad using the same ID in Power Editor. Create an ad using an existing post and paste the post ID you’ve copied.



While copying the same ad ID across different ad sets, you need to modify a few elements of the ad set (such as the age of target audience or an interest); so you won’t be bidding your content against each other needlessly inflating your CTA.


You can do that by altering the target audience for each ad set.


2. Make small incremental changes to your budget


Instead of taking your best performing campaign and quadrupling its budget, take it slow.


Generally speaking, you shouldn’t increase your budget by more than 20% per day.


Once you increase your budget, pay close attention to the ad performance.


  • Have your CPC, CPM, CPA shifted dramatically?
  • Is everything within the predetermined KPI thresholds?
  • How has this change affected the cost per lead/sale?
  • Is this campaign still profitable in the long term?

If your campaign is still the same and there are no dramatic changes, increase the budget again by 20-30% and then analyze the data. Continue doing this until you reach the desired level you had intended to scale to.


3. Extend your reach


After you’ve been running your ad sets for some time, it’s time to grow your reach and test your best performing piece.


For this purpose, we’ll use lookalike audiences.


This blog post takes you through the whole process of creating a lookalike audience. Use it to create a lookalike audience of your best perming ad.


4. Duplicate your winning campaign


The last step involves duplicating your winning lookalike campaign and then changing the objectives.


To create a campaign with different objective, go to your ads manager and select your winning campaign.


Click on “duplicate” to duplicate the campaign.


After a few seconds, your campaign will be duplicated and you can go to the objectives and choose a different one.


Stumped about with objective to use, this blog post will walk you through it.


Once you’re done, save the campaign and run it.




There is practically no limit to scaling. As a rule of thumb, always have a strategy in place before spending more on your ads.  


Also, if you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

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How To Take Advantage Of The Facebook Advanced Matching Pixel So You Can Optimize Your Ads’ Performance

How To Take Advantage Of The Facebook Advanced Matching Pixel So You Can Optimize Your Ads' Performance


What is the Facebook Advanced Matching Pixel?


The Facebook advanced matching pixel is a tool designed to help you match your customers’ data to your Facebook ad campaigns.


This data includes email addresses, phone numbers, and other demographic data.


Prior to this, it wasn’t possible to track Facebook audience conversions unless the conversion happened within the browser that also had the Facebook cookie present.


But with this tool, you’re able to connect users to conversions even when they’re using other browsers or even if they’ve cleared all their cookies.


Benefits of using the Facebook Advanced Matching Pixel


1.  It will help you increase your custom audience size


Custom audiences enable you to target people who’ve interacted with your site. By using the advanced matching pixel, Facebook will be able to automatically and continuously sync your customer data and match it with people on Facebook. This in turn leads to an increase in your custom audience size.


2. It will help you increase the number of Facebook ad conversions


The matching pixel offers you information that shows you the complete picture of your ads performance. You’ll be able to see who was exposed to your ads, how they responded and if they converted.


With this data, you’ll be able to optimize your facebook ads futher for better performance.


How to set up the Facebook Advanced Matching Pixel


You’ll be given two options when setting this up. You can either do it manually or automatically.


Facebook recommends you go the automatic route as it doesn’t involve any code changes.


To do that, log in to your ads manager.


Proceed to the events manager.


Select your pixel.


After clicking on your pixel, go to Settings in the resulting page that follows. It’s on the left hand side of the page.



On the right side of the page that follows, toggle the on switch on the Advanced Automatic Matching.


Then select the parameters that you’d like to send from your website.


Now you’re all set up. You’ll be able to automatically send customer data from your website.




It goes without saying that he more data you have on how your campaigns perform, the better. But you have to be able to gather insights and execute on the data. Thankfully, the data being delivered through this Advanced Pixel is actionable.


If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

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How To Create A Lookalike Audience on Facebook

How To Create A Lookalike Audience on Facebook

Do you want to expand your ad reach on Facebook?


Are you looking for new and better ways to reach your target audience?


Laser-focused targeting can supercharge your advertising to new heights.


That’s where lookalike audiences come in. They allow you to build new audiences that are highly likely to convert.


Read on to find out how to create lookalike audiences so you can successfully scale your ad targeting.


What is a lookalike audience?


A lookalike audience is a group of people whose demographics and interests are similar to a custom audience you’ve created. These are people who share traits with your existing followers, making them highly likely to convert.


Why use a lookalike audience?


Lookalike audiences give you the opportunity to reach cold audiences beyond behavior or interest targeting.


For example, let’s say you’re showing your ads to warm traffic. Lookalike audiences gives you the chance to reach cold audiences who are similar to that warm audience but on a much larger scale.


Lookalike audiences also tend to be less expensive than audiences based on interest or behavior targeting.


How to create a lookalike audience: option #1


Log in to your ads manager and go to Audiences.


Then click on “Create Audience”, then “Lookalike Audience.”



This will bring up an interface that looks like this.


The source is what Facebook will use to generate a lookalike audience. Keep in mind that the larger the source audience, the better quality your lookalike audience will be.


You can select a custom audience or create a new one.


This blog post takes you through how to create custom audiences.


The location is the country or region you’d like your lookalike audience to come from.


The audience size slider will show you how big your lookalike audience is. It ranges from 1% to 10% of the population, with 1% being those who closely match your score.


It also gives you the option of creating multiple lookalike audiences from one source.


Input the necessary fields then click on “create audience” to create your lookalike audience.



How to create a lookalike audience: option #2


Another option for creating a lookalike audience is to select the audience you’d like to replicate.


In my case, I’ve selected “video audience”



Then click on “actions” to reveal a dropdown menu. Select “lookalike audience”



In the pop up window that follows, input your location and then click on “Create Audience”


Your lookalike audience will be created and it will show up under your audiences.





That’s it for lookalike audiences. If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

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The 5 Types Of Custom Audiences On Facebook And How To Create Them So You Can Improve Your Ad Performance

The 5 Types Of Custom Audiences On Facebook And How To Create Them So You Can Improve Your Ad Performance


Do you want to improve your Facebook ad performance?


Then you need to refine the audience you’re reaching.


Refining your Facebook audience options will help you reach the right audience without wasting your ad budget.


In this article, you’ll discover the 5 custom audiences you can create and how to actually build them. So let’s jump right in.


Creating custom audiences


To get started, log in to your ads manager and go to audiences.


Click on “create audience” and choose “custom audience”


A pop up window will follow with a list of custom audiences you can create.


We’ll look at each of them below.


Types of custom audiences and how to create them


1. Customer File Custom Audiences


This audience is created from uploading your customers’ or prospects’ contacts on Facebook and then Facebook uses those contacts to match them to people on Facebook.


To create a customer file customer audience, click on “customer file”.


Facebook gives you the option of either manually uploading a list of contacts or importing contacts from MailChimp.



To manually upload your list, click on the first option “Add customers from your own file or copy and paste data”.


You can either upload a file.



Or you can copy and paste a list of contacts into the space provided.


To import your contacts from Mailchimp, log into Mailchimp and follow the steps to set up your audience.


2. Website Traffic Custom Audience


This audience is created from tracking your website visitors using a pixel tracking code on your website.


If you’ve installed Facebook Pixel on your site, then creating this custom audience is straightforward.


Click on “website traffic”


On the pop-up that follows, you can choose from a number of targeting options based on:

  • All your website visitors
  • People who visited specific web pages
  • Time spent on your site
  • Your Facebook page views

3. App Activity Custom Audience


This custom audience is created based on what actions people took when they launched your app


To create one, click on “app activity”



Then create an audience based on the actions people took when they launched your app.


For example, you can target the people who recently opened your app. Or, you can target people who recently completed a purchase. There are so many options to choose from depending on your goals.


4. Offline Activity Custom Audience


This audience is created from people who interacted with your business in-store, via phone, or other offline channels.


To create one, click on “offline activity”


On the pop-up window that follows, choose any event you’d like to track. For example, people who’ve interacted with your app offline, people who’ve added payment information, etc.


Then enter the number of days prior to today that you’d like to get results from. When you’re done, name your audience and save it.


5. Engagement Custom Audience


This audience is created from people who engaged wth your content on Facebook or Instagram.


To create an engagement audience, click on “engagement”



You’ll then be prompted to choose what you’d like to use to create that audience. You can choose from videos, lead forms, full screen experience, facebook page, Instagram business profile, and event.



Once you choose one option, set up your audience, name it then save it. 



This is a broad topic to cover in one blog post. But my aim was to familiarize you with custom audiences.


If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

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How To Create A Customized Report In The Facebook Ads Manager

How To Create A Customized Report In The Facebook Ads Manager


While Facebook does a great job of displaying the most relevant ad metrics, you can actually change the metrics you see in your ad reports. This is what we call creating a customized report.


To do so, click on the Columns menu. Near the bottom, there’s the option of customizing columns. Click on this to create new custom ad reports.


On the resulting window, this is what will show up.


From the example above, only 15 columns have been selected. You can add more to get a greater in depth report of your ads.


Remember the 4 core metrics we talked about? Make sure they are all checked.


Once you’re done with that, go to the bottom left corner and save the preset as CRFC metrics. CRFC stands for the 4 core metrics.


Then click “apply” to save your changes. Now you have customized reporting view to use at the ad level of your campaigns.


How to compare and analyze metric reports


Comparing the different metric results will help you measure the effectiveness of your ads. Use the compare feature to keep track of this.


This will give you insight into how your ads are performing to help you combat ad fatigue.


For example, you can use the comparison reporting method to compare CRFC metrics from the last 7 days to the previous seven days. This is also known as a 7-day running analysis.


To use this method, go to the ad level and select an ad that has been running for the past 2 weeks. Then under the columns menu, select the CRFC Metrics preset that you saved earlier.



Then go to the dates and select the last 7 days.


Next, toggle the “compare” switch and the previous 7 days will be automatically selected


Once you click “update”, you’ll see arrows next to the metrics you’re measuring.



Click on them to see the change from the first week to the second week in actual numbers as well as the percentage change for each given metric.


Go through each metric reviewing the performance.



When you do this on a weekly basis, comparing this week’s metrics to the previous one, you’ll be able to notice when your campaigns are becoming less effective due to ad fatigue. With this information, you’ll be able to implement the necessary changes to combat the ad fatigue.


If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

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The 4 Core Metrics You Need To Pay Attention To When It Comes To Facebook Ad Performance

The 4 Core Metrics You Need To Pay Attention To When It Comes To Facebook Ad Performance


Facebook does a really good job of auto-optimizing your ad campaigns. But that doesn’t mean that you create your ads and forget about them. You still need to go back and review your ads to see that everything is running smoothly.


Which brings us to the question, do you know which metrics to pay attention to in the Facebook ads manager?


These metrics will help you to better understand your campaign performance so you can see what’s working and what’s not.


The best way to review your campaign performance is to use the Facebook Ads Manager.


In here, you’ll get to filter your campaigns by dates or objectives or whatever the case is. You’ll also get to measure the performance in each level of the hierarchy, starting with the campaign level, the ad set level and finally the ad level.


At each level, you’ll also be presented with many different metrics, some of which include: reach, impressions, cost per click, budget, delivery etc. There are hundreds of different metrics but there are only 4 that you need to pay the most attention to, which is what we’ll look at next.


The 4 core metrics to pay attention to


This doesn’t mean you ignore all the other metrics. That’s not the case.


Depending on your objectives and goals, the metrics you pay attention to to gauge your campaign performance will vary. But the following 4 are the ones that show up consistently across the board, regardless of your goals.


These are the 4 metrics are:


1. Cost per result



This metric is at the campaign level and it shows the cost-effectiveness of your campaigns. It measures the average cost of every outcome your ad achieved, based on your objectives and settings.


If you have a daily budget and you see your cost per result decreasing, it means your campaign is cost effective because you’re spending less on each result you achieve.


Let’s say you’re running a conversion campaign that’s optimized for “Add to cart” actions and is targeted to your website traffic.


If your cost per “Add to cart” is decreasing but your number of “Add to cart” actions are increasing, you’re driving more clicks and sales from your website. That means you’re getting more results for your budget. The opposite will be true if your cost per result is increasing.


This metric is affected by a number of factors, including your bid, your target audience, your optimization type, your ad creative and messaging and schedule.


2. Relevance score



This metric can only be viewed at the ad level.


It’s a 1-10 rating that Facebook gives each of your ads. It shows how well your audience is responding to your ads.


The score is only showed after your ads have received 500 impressions. But this score is subject to change. When your relevance score increases, that means your cost per result is decreasing, making your campaign performance rise. The reverse is also true.


3. Frequency


This is the average amount of times that your ad was viewed. Your frequency will always start at 1. Over time as you spend more of your campaign budget and reach more of your audience, this number will increase.


You’ll notice that as your frequency increases, it will impact your cost per result and relevance score.


As more people view your ad, your frequency will get higher and higher, reaching a point known as ad fatigue. Ad fatigue is when your audience has seen your ad too many times thereby reducing its effectiveness. This results in your relevance score going lower and your cost per result going higher.


4. CPM


CPM stands for Cost Per Mille, which means cost per 1000 impressions. As you reach more of your target audience and your frequency increases, your CPM will start to increase as well. This means that it’s now costing you more per 1000 impressions than it previously did, thus affecting your relevance score, cost per result, and frequency.


You’ll also notice that your CPM increases when campaigns are decreasing in performance due to ad fatigue. But with a campaign that’s improving, your frequency will increase at a slower rate rate thereby raising your relevance score. This in turn stabilizes your CPM, lowering your cost per result and thereby increasing your result rate.



Understanding the 4 metrics above will help you get clear on your campaign performance. So pay attention to them. In the next post, we’ll go deeper into how to create customized reports.


If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

The 4 Key Ingredients To Attract


How To Track Your Facebook Ads Performance With UTM Tracking

How To Track Your Facebook Ads Performance With UTM Tracking


Peter Drucker, a legendary management guru, once said, “What gets measured gets managed.”


Measuring the impact of your marketing efforts will help you grow your business. You'll know where to put more money and effort, and where to spend less.


This is where UTM tracking comes in.


In this post, I'm going to help you understand UTM codes. You'll learn how to use them to not only track your marketing performance but also your Facebook Ads.


What is UTM tracking?


UTM stands for Urchin Tracking Module.


It’s a snippet of code that’s added to the end of a URL to track the performance of campaigns and content.


It looks something like this:


The part in bold starting after ‘?' is the UTM code. The UTM code in this example tracks where the traffic is coming from, which is Google.


Adding the UTM code doesn't affect the actual page. You can delete the UTM code from the URL and the page would continue to load normally.


The code’s sole purpose is to help your analytics tool track the source of your visitor.


What can you track with UTM codes?


There are five different UTM parameters. Here's what you can track with each of them:


1. Traffic Source


The traffic source allows you to track where your traffic is coming from.


This is the parameter that’s added to your URL: utm_source.


Facebook, Google, Instagram, etc, are some examples of sources you could track.


Example: &utm_source=Instagram


2. Medium


The medium parameter tracks what type of traffic the visitor originated from, like cpc, email, referral, display, social, etc.


The parameter added to the URL is utm_medium_


Example: &utm_medium=email


3. Campaign Name


This parameter tracks the performance of a specific campaign.


For example, you can use this to differentiate traffic between different Facebook Ad campaigns.


The parameter added to the URL is utm_campaign.


Example: &utm_campaign=example-campaign


4. Content


The content parameter helps you track which link someone clicked on if you have several links pointing to the same URL. (such as an ad with two CTA buttons)


The parameter added to the URL is utm_content.


Example: &utm_content=navlink


5. Keyword Term


This parameter tracks keyword terms. It's only used for paid search ads. It will show you which keyword a website visitor came from.


The parameter added to the URL is utm_term.


Example: **&utm_term=facebook+ads


How to track Facebook ads with Google Analytics


Google Analytics is as a tool that known to track website traffic. But it has a ton of other great functions, too. One of which includes measuring social media campaign conversions, including Facebook ads.


While the ads manager gives you insight into your Facebook ads performance, it doesn’t give you enough information to understand whether Facebook advertising is cost effective for you.


That’s why Google Analytics is a better tool. It will help you get accurate results using UTM tracking.


To track your Facebook ads with Google Analytics, go to the Google URL builder.


Enter your website URL and campaign information.


1. Type in your destination URL.


2. Indicate the campaign source as Facebook.


3. The campaign medium can either be cpc or cpm, depending on whether you’re tracking conversions by clicks or impressions.


4. The campaign name is your Facebook ads campaign. This will help you track performance across all your Facebook campaigns.


5. The campaign term is your Facebook ads ad set name. This will help you track performance across ad sets.


6. The campaign content is your individual ad name. This will help you track individual ad performance.


This is what the end result would look like:


Once you’re done, scroll down to see your generated URL.


Copy the URL then go into your Facebook ads manager.


Under the “Ad” section, click on “links” then paste your URL into the destination URL box.



Now you can start tracking your ads performance in Google Analytics.


To do this:


1. Log in to your Google Analytics account and go to Acquisition.


2. Click on “All Traffic”


3. Click on “source/medium.”


4. From the primary dimension, you’ll be able to select the parameter you want to track.


That’s it. Using these steps you’ll be able to track your performance all the way from the campaign to the individual ad.




Even though Facebook Ads analytics are good, Google Analytics is even better and more accurate when it comes to tracking and understanding conversions.


With the help of these performance reports, you’ll be able to understand why and how conversions are happening so you can optimize your ads and campaigns even further in order to achieve your advertising goals.


If you would like my help in implementing this and other strategies to sell your high ticket products and services, get in touch with me by clicking the button below to apply for a complimentary consultation.

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